home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This software is copyright 1992 by Robert Morris.
- * You may freely redistribute this software as shareware
- * if you do so in the same form as you got it. If you find
- * this software useful, please send $12 to:
- * Robert Morris
- * P.O. Box 1044
- * Harvard Square Station
- * Cambridge, MA 02238
- * ecognome@aol.com
- * If you incorporate any of this software in any kind of
- * commercial product, please send $2 per copy distributed
- * to the above address.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "lists.h"
- long
- NewList(h, lp)
- char **h;
- struct list *lp;
- {
- if(h){
- lp->h = h;
- lp->size = GetHandleSize(h);
- lp->ptr = 0;
- } else {
- lp->size = 256;
- lp->h = NewHandle(lp->size);
- if(lp->h == 0)
- return(-1);
- lp->ptr = 0;
- (*(lp->h))[0] = '\0';
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void
- FreeList(lp)
- struct list *lp;
- {
- if(lp->h)
- DisposHandle(lp->h);
- lp->h = 0;
- }
- /*
- * get rid of excess storage at the end of the handle.
- */
- long
- TrimList(lp)
- struct list *lp;
- {
- if(lp->h == 0)
- return(-1);
- SetHandleSize(lp->h, lp->ptr + 1);
- lp->size = GetHandleSize(lp->h);
- if(lp->size > 0)
- (*(lp->h))[lp->size - 1] = '\0';
- return(lp->ptr);
- }
- long
- PeekListLine(lp, buf)
- register struct list *lp;
- register char *buf;
- {
- /* THINK C supplies 5 data and 3 pointer register vars */
- register int c;
- register long i;
- register char *ptr;
- buf[0] = '\0';
- if(lp->h == 0 || *(ptr = (*(lp->h))+lp->ptr) == '\0')
- return(-1);
- i = 0;
- while((c = *(ptr++)) != '\0' && c != '\r'){
- if(i < 255)
- buf[i++] = c;
- }
- if(c == '\0')
- --ptr;
- buf[i] = '\0';
- return(ptr - (*(lp->h) + lp->ptr));
- }
- /*
- * skip back a line.
- * assumes we're at the start of a line, just after the \r.
- */
- void
- RewindListLine(lp)
- struct list *lp;
- {
- if(lp->h == 0)
- return;
- lp->ptr -= 2;
- while(lp->ptr >= 0 && (*(lp->h))[lp->ptr] != '\r')
- lp->ptr -= 1;
- if(lp->ptr < 0)
- lp->ptr = 0;
- else
- lp->ptr += 1;
- }
- /*
- * reads the next line from a list into buf. returns -1 on EOF.
- */
- long
- ReadListLine(lp, buf)
- struct list *lp;
- char buf[];
- {
- long n;
- n = PeekListLine(lp, buf);
- if(n < 0)
- return(-1);
- lp->ptr += n;
- return(strlen(buf));
- }
- /*
- * appends some text to a list. returns -1 on error (out of memory).
- */
- long
- AppendList(lp, buf)
- struct list *lp;
- char buf[];
- {
- long len;
- if(lp->h == 0)
- return(-1);
- len = strlen(buf);
- if(lp->ptr + len + 1 > lp->size){
- if(lp->size > 4096)
- lp->size += (len + 4096);
- else
- lp->size += (len + lp->size);
- SetHandleSize(lp->h, lp->size);
- if(MemError() != noErr){
- DisposHandle(lp->h);
- lp->h = 0;
- lp->size = -1;
- lp->ptr = 0;
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- strcpy((*(lp->h)) + lp->ptr, buf);
- lp->ptr += len;
- return(len);
- }
- int
- _ALC(lp, c)
- struct list *lp;
- {
- char buf[2];
- buf[0] = c;
- buf[1] = '\0';
- AppendList(lp, buf);
- }
- /*
- * get the itm'th sep-separated item from in[].
- * 1 origin.
- * out[] should hold 256 chars.
- */
- char *
- item(itm, in, out, sep)
- register int itm, sep;
- register char *in, *out;
- {
- register int i, j;
- for(i = 0; itm > 1 && in[i]; i++){
- if(in[i] == sep)
- --itm;
- }
- j = 0;
- if(itm == 1){
- while(in[i] && in[i] != sep && j < 255){
- out[j++] = in[i++];
- }
- }
- out[j] = '\0';
- return(out);
- }